Century Farms Two Month Update
Well, it’s been 3 weeks since I told you what’s happening at Century Farms. If you’re new here, or missed the other updates, you can see them Right Here. You can watch videos of the house on my YouTube channel. I have taken more recent videos, and will share them there as I get a chance. When you subscribe to the channel, you should be notified when I add new videos. Right now I’m just trying to find time to breathe!! Usually I try to share pictures on Instagram if I have a chance, but today I’m sharing lots of pictures for you here.
It’s been three weeks since I hurt my rib while reaching and leaning and stretching to get cardboard out of the dumpster to cushion all my purchases for the house….. Thankfully, I’ve been feeling pretty good for a week or more now. What pain! It felt like a knife was stabbing me. I thought about spinning a fantastic story about how a pioneer cowgirl hurt her rib while rescuing some orphan children or something…. but anyway… fellow dumpster divers beware!!
So that slowed me down a little, but I had to keep going!! I have too much to do to sit around and wait for a rib to heal! Then this past week my kids got sick. My daughter is still pretty sick– covid symptoms– for the fifth time since January 2021. Sigh.
Okay, let’s walk through some pictures in my camera…. I suppose you’ve had enough of ugly before pictures. Here are some in progress ones for you. First, a peek at the ceiling fan light for the living room. It’s not installed yet. Isn’t it so pretty?! I figure that if the lights are pretty enough, maybe no one will notice the ugly drop ceilings!

Happily, my son’s room now has a new rubber roof! Now to insulate the ceiling, put up the drywall, and get the walls re-plastered.

The laundry room is further along than this picture shows— nearly ready to paint the walls.

This is one of the drawings I made for the kitchen cabinets. Since we bought these cabinets off of craigslist, I have to work with what I have. They do fit very well in the space that we have. I like the idea of staggered cabinets– for variety and interest, and also because of opening my coffee maker. I’m also planning to raise the 18 inch cabinet on the far right. I still need to find/ get cabinet handles and/or knobs, since my cabinets don’t have any.

Here is where we started installing cabinets. There are a couple more installed, but we keep needing to do other things. Maybe today….

When I was preparing the dining room walls for painting, I came upon a pretty ugly patch of a hole. I scraped it off and what do you think I found?

Newspaper! How creative!… if they had made it flatter I would never have known….

And since they were kind enough to use the Obituary section, I could see that this hole was patched probably in 1985. : )

Now on to the living room… These are 3 big cracks in one wall. When I say big, I mean like 6 feet tall. You can tell that someone has tried to patch them in the past. They were covered by paneling when we bought the house. We’ve uncovered so many things, that at this point we are thankful that the whole thing isn’t falling down around us! (I wish you could see my big smiles as I type some of these things!)

The one on the far left had a beam behind it, and you can see how a big chunk of loose plaster has come off. You can also see the glue on the wall that the plasterer put on.

And here is the same wall!! Those giant cracks have been skillfully covered, and the entire room replastered. I am so impressed and happy about it!! The walls are as smooth as a baby’s…. well— really super smooth!! The same person is going to be replastering our son’s room when it is ready. Monday I hope to begin sanding and staining the floor. The walls have to wait a week before being painted, and the floor will have to wait a week too after it is sealed. Then I will cover the floors and paint the walls…. Whew!

One of the attic windows have been repaired. It looks brand new!!

Here I am helping the roofer (who is also the window carpenter) get out a different attic window to repair it. I was really glad that neither he nor the window fell! There was broken glass from the missing panes on the little section he was standing on. He picked it up before he came inside.

Lastly is the progress on my daughter’s room. She wanted it painted pink. Then a friend came and helped her paint the closet purple.

Then I added a glossy coat to the floor after they scratched it up by cleaning it with green Scotch brite pads. (I cleaned it again really well first.)

Then just yesterday I purchased new covers for the baseboard heat.

Our handyman removed the baseboards so that I could caulk the cover to the wall. Now no dirt or pet hair can get eternally stuck between the covers and the baseboards (which were a few inches below the tops of the covers, even though the baseboards are so tall).

Then I assembled my daughter’s new Craigslist storage bed. Her current bed is a junior loft storage bed, and both of my kids are ready to be closer to the floor now. The rug won’t stay there– it is just helping me not to scratch up the floor.

We plan to list and show our rancher in two weeks time. I have a lot of things to get out of the rancher so that it looks better for showing. So I’m pushing to get some rooms done at the farm in order to have a place to store our things. Then after getting a contract we should have about 4 more weeks to get the farmhouse livable (barely, but still livable!).
With a lot of hard work on our part, and on the part of the workers we have been able to hire, the timing of everything seems to be falling into place.
Wow, you are accomplishing so much! Its great to see pictures of your progress.
Thank you Amy!
You guys are working hard and it is really paying off.
I know you guys have worked hard on your houses too!
Liberty, I love seeing the progress! Wow, what a huge project, and you have been working so hard! I love that fan light, and the floors and the bay window in your daughter’s room are so amazing.
Yes, I need to figure out a curtain rod for those 4 bay windows… thank you for your support.