Century Farms 17 Month Update
Do you ever look back to where you were one year ago? Do you think about the things that have changed, or the things that have stayed the same? I enjoy giving you a month to month update on our progress of renovating this monster house at Century Farms.

But what I might enjoy more, is looking back to a year ago to see how far we have come. And WOW!!
One Year Ago

Last year we were out of town when my peonies bloomed. I’ve really enjoyed looking at them this year!
And in the video above, I came down the steps to the piano room– and Wow– what a difference. The Piano Room truly went through a transformation.
One thing that has NOT changed in a year? I’m still trying to figure out how to keep the birds out of the attic!!!! Maybe we’ve found all the holes now???
This Month
I enjoy taking pictures of our house in the various seasons from this vantage point across the farmer’s field. Do you like seeing your house in different seasons of the year?
While it might look like fall because of the dead field– it is spring. The field is dead from the farmer spraying it to kill the weeds before he planted…

And I took this shot of my yellow irises through the glass in my front door.

These irises are Huge, compared to regular sized ones.

I spent a good deal of my time this month— well, not actually painting this hutch. I spent a good deal of time— looking for a can of paint that I lost!! It came in the mail, I unboxed it, and shoved it somewhere.

I was cleaning up– I didn’t want someone to kick it over, and so I put it….. somewhere. I recall a still, small voice telling me that I was putting it in a place that I wouldn’t be looking in again for awhile, and probably I shouldn’t put it there. I wish I had listened.
Well, I looked and looked and still haven’t found it. I started organizing some things all over the house– and finally had to order another can so that I could start painting the hutch!!
I hope to show you a finished Hutch next month.
Last month, the gray striped cat went missing and gave us a scare– this month, it was the black cat that worried me a lot. One Saturday morning he couldn’t walk. He could barely even sit up. He wouldn’t eat or drink.
I took him to the TSC pet vet as soon as they opened, hoping he just had an ear infection, but they wouldn’t even look at him because of his strange symptoms.
I didn’t want to go to an animal emergency hospital (it was Saturday– the day when kids and pets get sick and the doctor isn’t available)….. and a friend told me about a vet. I called him and he agreed to see Jack right away. He gave him an antibiotic shot, pills, a steroid– a bunch of stuff. And later that day Jack was feeling much better. I was so glad to see him moving around again.
He is still doing fine. We don’t really know what was wrong with him.
Patio Set
A fun thing I did was paint this patio set with some spray paint that Rustoleum sent me. I’m hoping to be chosen as a finalist in the competition– and so you may soon see an email from me asking you to vote for this project!! : )

I still have more hostas to get into the ground. I’ve spent alot of time watering the ones I planted, because we have not had much rain this past month. The garden may not produce very much, if we don’t get some rain.

I hope you enjoy seeing these peony photos.

And here is this month’s Video Update! Be sure to watch it to find out what all went wrong this month…
Lastly, I’m so thankful to have so much energy again. I think maybe my body has finally completely healed from those thyroid issues. We finished school May 9th, so that’s probably another reason why it feels like I have more energy– because I can focus on projects instead of homeschooling.