Trumpet Chocolate Molds
With Christmas coming soon, I wanted to post about a gift idea. These are great to give to students, teachers, coworkers, neighbors, friends– anybody!

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I used white (vanilla) and chocolate almond bark from Walmart. I also used leftover pink vanilla Wilton candy melts* (from Walmart’s cake decorating section). You could also use chocolate chips or other baking/melting wafers. As you can see, I have 4 different instruments; but I only wanted to make trumpets* for a music class that I was helping with. (To see where I made chocolate pianos, click here.)
I carefully filled the molds, tapping them on the counter to get the air bubbles out. Then I held them up in the air and looked at the bottom while poking around with a toothpick to get out any remaining air bubbles.
Putting them in the freezer helped speed the hardening process along. The ones with 2 colors were fun to make. You don’t have to wait for the first color to harden–just add the second color and swirl if you want the swirled look. Don’t swirl if you want the layered look.

Wouldn’t these make a cute Christmas stocking stuffer for your trumpet player? They would also be a great unique gift for a Band Teacher. I have also used chocolate molds to repurpose broken crayons into— new crayons! You can see that post here.