Pressure Washing for Curb Appeal
This post is the Third in a series on how I improved the exterior of our house. For the Post where I painted our aluminum siding, click here. To see our new front door, click here.
When we bought our house, I had no idea how to maintain brick. I had never lived in a brick house before. I knew that our flower beds and brick steps looked awful, but I didn’t know that there was anything that I could do about it, until….. someone happened to mention “Pressure Wash.”
Hmmm. I did not have a pressure washer.* I began to realize the many things that a pressure washer could clean. I started wanting a pressure washer. I had grown up in the country, on a small acreage. We did not have sidewalks to maintain, or to shovel in the wintertime (I did not know how blessed I was.) I did not have any experience with a pressure washer. After watching our deck being pressure washed, and learning a little more, I borrowed someone’s pressure washer. I can’t remember if I first cleaned these steps with the borrowed one, or one that I eventually bought. Purchasing the pressure washer was a good investment. If you are not sure that you want a pressure washer— do like I did, and borrow one first.
Anyway, here are our brick steps and flower bed before being pressure washed:
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I’m sorry, but I’m not going to include the picture of what I looked like after doing the pressure washing! Let’s just say that I was very muddy!! But it was very much worth my effort. I hope you will agree.
Previously, I had no idea whatsoever that our brick steps could look soooo nice. They looked brand new!!
Pressure washing is not a permanent thing. After children cover the bricks in sidewalk chalk several times over, and life happens, the bricks will need pressure washed again. But for now, just enjoy how new they look! (Yes, I know some shutters are missing…. I was painting them, and that’s a story for another post….)
After I washed the brick steps, I looked at our sidewalk.
Sidewalk Before
Here you can see where I pressure washed up to our property line, and how brand new the sidewalk looks compared to the unwashed part!
And here it is all cleaned. What a difference! Now whenever I walk on sidewalks, I know the difference that can be made with a little time and a pressure washer!
Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared.
Thank you for sharing at #ThursdayFavoriteThings. Pinned and shared.