Vinyl Sheet Flooring in the Kitchen
Why We Needed New Vinyl Flooring…
Shortly after buying our shortsale house, we realized that the vinyl flooring in the kitchen needed replaced. I was glad because I didn’t care for the pattern that was currently there, and now I would get to choose something that I liked! There were two big holes in the old flooring– one smaller hole had been covered by a well-placed trash can. The second hole had a rug and a cabinet over it. The square hole, below, was likely where a floor to ceiling cabinet had originally been to the left of the stove.
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When I shopped for new vinyl sheet flooring, I looked all over for gray and white to match the color scheme that I wanted. All I could find was gray and cream– a very yellow cream.
But then I realized that my kitchen table and chairs had the exact same color of cream in them– and they go with the floor very nicely. If I had found gray and white flooring, my furniture would have clashed.
This is not a “how-to” post. (I find it humorous to see all of the “how-to” posts by people who have only done something once, or for the first time.) This is simply a “here’s what we did” post. : )
My husband worked very hard to get the kitchen floor level for the new flooring. As you might have guessed already– he hadn’t done this before… and I appreciated all of his effort. After we moved in I would be tasked with painting and installing the new baseboard molding.
Even though it is textured, this vinyl sheet flooring has been very easy to clean. Later on when I moved the fridge by myself from where it is in the picture below, to its final resting place, I ….oh, but that is another post!