Armor of God Birthday Party Ideas
For my son’s sixth birthday, I used an Armor of God theme. It comes from the passage in Ephesians 6 about putting on the whole armor of God. I found the ideas for this party in a book named Parties with a Purpose. This is the second party that I have used from this book. The first one was a royal birthday party for my daughter. I am so thankful to be able to use the ideas in that book. One of the reasons is that they are good ideas. Another reason is that the ideas are not expensive. What I’m going to show you was time consuming, but very cost effective.
First, I began collecting milk jugs weeks ahead of time. Then I cut them in half, to use the bottoms for the Helmet of Salvation.
Helmet, Before
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I covered the helmets in aluminum foil. I didn’t use any tape, but you could.
The milk jugs really are the right size for your head!
I had little cut out letters from the Dollar Tree, so I put the first initial of each birthday guest on the front of their helmet with tape.
See what I mean about time consuming? And this is just part of it….
For the Breastplate of Righteousness, I went to my local grocery store and purchased paper bags for a few cents apiece. The cat insisted upon “helping.”
I cut the bags up the middle, then made neck holes in the bag’s bottom, and arm holes in the sides. Later, I realized that the necks needed to be cut open more in the front, so that the paper would cut into the guests’ necks. So I did. After the bags were all cut out, then I spray painted them with silver spray paint. I bought two or three different brands of cans. I think they all worked about the same.
The spray paint would be the most expensive part of this project. I suppose that you could try to turn the bags inside out so that the lettering would be on the inside, and then just leave the bags plain or color them if you didn’t want to paint them.
If you don’t wear gloves, your hand might turn silver….
If you don’t want to go to the trouble of making all of this cardboard and paper armour, you can purchase plastic sets here. I had borrowed some plastic sets, and it was from this that I traced the shield for these cardboard shields of faith.
For the handles, I stapled plain elastic to duct tape.
Then I taped the handle to the shield.
Oh yes, I spray painted these too, first.
Then I attached little cards saying “Faith” onto each one. I wanted the party guests to remember the purpose of their armor.
I wrapped the Belts of Truth in foil like the helmets.
I folded and tucked the ends, and didn’t even tape it together.
I punched holes in the ends and attached yarn, so the guests would be able to tie on their belts of Truth. I labeled them Truth with a permanent marker.
So that was the four main parts of the armor. But you can imagine, for a boy’s party that includes armor– there needs to be a ……. sword. I was not about to make cardboard swords that could possibly injure someone or something. I came up with a great alternative!!…..
Armor of God, After
Yes! Balloon Swords! The Sword of Truth, which is the Word of God, is a very necessary part to the spiritual Armor of God. I watched some YouTube videos, bought some supplies… and quickly learned the beginner’s skill of balloon sword making.
Here is the back of the birthday boy wearing his armor.
Here he is in his fighting pose.
(His birthday is in April; therefore the spring/ Easter decorations.) And here he is in the “smile for Mom’s picture” pose. I think you can tell how much fun he is anticipating when using his armor.
The party guests had a fantastic time using all of their armor, but they especially enjoyed the swords and shields. When a balloon sword popped, I had extra to give out (or I made a new one if necessary).
You don’t need to wait for a birthday party to use these ideas. This would be a fun project for a rainy day to involve the children in creating their armor. This would also be fun to use for a Vacation Bible School Theme. Let me know if you try it!
In my next post, I plan to show you the cake that I made for this party! There’s a Surprise inside!
What a fabulous idea for a birthday party!
Thank you, Amy!
This is so cute! I love creative birthday party ideas! It’s so fun to put so much creativity and thought into your child’s special day 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Sweet Inspiration!
I’m glad you like it Eileen!
I think that’s a lovely costume for a great party idea.
We also had parties with a purpose like that and we always learned things during our research sessions! I don’t like fairies, that’s me, so we did angels, twice! One was at an ice rink! You can just imagine the cloaks and wings billowing as the cousins skated around. When we moved cities I got away with using the things again! Lol. We also did princesses twice. But we had ones with a theme of a country or region, (I remember making the Great Wall of China with my son out of squares of cake called lamigtons, ) or the environment (Wall-e movie) , construction, the sea, medieval, trains, Venice, the list goes on. I’ve learned a lot! Now the youngest is nearly 17, hard to believe.
I’m glad you like it, Cath. It’s nice to meet you!
Hi Liberty, Love this post. thank you for visiting my blog …I love that you show your faith. I am on my way to Bible study so don’t have time right now to look at your posts…but I will later. Blessings always
Kari @ Me and My Captain
And thank you for stopping by here!
WOW, what a incredible Birthday party and I can’t wait to check out the book and share this idea with my son. Because we could use these decorations at the end of School to celebrate our Out of School Party with Charlie’s friends.
I’m glad you like it, Glenda!