Royal Princess Birthday Party
For my daughter’s fifth birthday, we had a royal princess theme. My daughter liked princesses and horses, so this was a way to incorporate both things. This post is about the party. You can find the posts about the cakes here: a princess dress cupcake cake, a horse cupcake cake, and a number Five cupcake cake. I try to make the cake(s) and the details of the party a surprise. It is all part of making my children’s birthdays special.
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These ideas are not my own. I had seen or heard somewhere about a book named Parties with a Purpose. It was not in print anymore, but I found a used copy and ordered it. One of the themed parties in the book was for a royal birthday party! I was so thankful to be able to use the ideas in that book. One of the ideas was to make signs for different rooms of the house, that said “Royal Kitchen,” “Royal Bedroom,” and “Royal Bathroom.” You can see my versions of the signs below.
Another ideas was to make stick horses for all of the birthday guests using yardsticks. I found a horse head template online, and made copies. I added glitter glue to the bridles. I painted the yardsticks different colors, and glued the horse heads to the sticks.
Here are the finished horses, ready for the party. At the party there were competitions for the horses/ children to see which could run the fastest, or jump the highest, etc.
The other thing I did was make a cardboard castle. I found a washing machine box from a local appliance store. I cut the top to look like a castle, and I cut drawbridge doors on each side. Then I spray painted it outside.
I used silver spray paint for the castle color, and pink for the accent color since that is my daughter’s favorite color.
Then on the morning of her birthday, I set the cardboard castle in the doorway between our living room and kitchen. I weaved some of the paper garland through the top of the castle, and added yarn to the drawbridge doors that really worked.
My daughter was all smiles when she saw her cardboard castle and the cakes that went with it. Her party guests had a great time, and enjoyed taking their horses home with them. The castle and the horse were fun toys for a good while afterwards, too.
I liked that these ideas did not mean spending a lot of money. They did take some thought and time. Have you ever made something out of cardboard either for or with your kids? There is so much fun to be had!