Custom Chocolates for Music and Piano Lovers
I like making custom piano and music note chocolates with my chocolate molds. I like giving them as gifts to my piano students at either recitals or Christmas. They would also make neat Valentine chocolates if you wanted to make homemade chocolates for someone special or as a gift for your students. Another idea would be using the smaller ones or even the large ones as cake decorations. You can use either almond bark or (my personal favorite) Ghirardelli Chocolate melting wafers in White or Dark. It depends on your preference. The almond bark is the more cost effective way to make them.
I have ordered different molds from various places. The one below takes a lot of chocolate to make compared to the other molds that I will show to you. Then it is kind of difficult to make all of the pieces stick together. But if you are going for a big impact, it is definitely worth the trouble.
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Here it is upside down as I “glue” the legs on with more chocolate.
It is pretty cute, isn’t it? And it even includes a piano bench!
What makes this mold extra special is that the lid is separate and there is a place where you could put more chocolates; or maybe an engagement ring??
I tried to “paint” the black keys with dark chocolate, but I wasn’t satisfied with the result. So I like it better left plain.
I like this next mold, but the legs almost always break off when I am trying to get it out of its mold. The person who sold it to me said that it is actually for porcelain or resin instead of chocolate— but I thought the description said it was also work for chocolate….oh well.
My Three Favorites
First up are this assortment of music notes, clefs, and accidentals. One mold* includes all of them! I have used this same mold to make crayons. : ) These chocolates are small enough at about an inch tall to fit several of them into the large white piano “box” above.
Then there are these miniature baby grand pianos.* They are neat because two halves go together to make an entire piano. I photographed these on saucers, not plates, so you can see how tiny they are.
The detail on the teeny tiny keyboard is neat. It is a little tricky getting the chocolate to go down into the three tiny legs. Tapping the mold on the counter does not do the trick. I use a pointed toothpick (not the flat ones) to poke as much chocolate into the legs as I can.
Here is a giant closeup of the mini piano.
Last is this keyboard mold.* It is so fun to use! My student’s eyes light up when they see this piece of custom chocolate. You need a piping bag (a ziplock bag with a corner cut off works great) with a very tiny hole. Then carefully squeeze the chocolate into the black key area. Then put the white chocolate on top. If you are in a hurry, putting it in the freezer to cool works a lot more quickly than putting them into the refrigerator.
Wouldn’t you like to receive some chocolates that were handmade just for you?! I hope you enjoyed all of the “After” pictures in this post!
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What gorgeous chocolates you’ve made, I’m not surprised that people are thrilled to receive them.
Thanks for sharing with us at Handmade Monday
You’re welcome!
these are so neat, I love that you give them to your students. My girls want to play the piano so we’re probably going to get them into that at the end of this year. My favorite is the one that you can put something inside…yes an engagement ring would be so cute.
I saw a mold for an upright piano last night… Thanks for stopping by!
I love music and I love these chocolates. They are so cute. Thank you for sharing.
You’re welcome, Amy!