Snowman Cupboard Decor
Get ready to read about the cutest snowman cupboard decor ever!
I’ve lost count of how many ways I have decorated this area of my kitchen. Do you know how I started decorating my house seasonally? It was when I had too much decor to put out all at once, and I realized that if I separated my knick knacks by color, and put them out in seasons, that I could ROTATE everything! So that’s what I did. I’m afraid you won’t find much minimalism at my house….

Then when I put the Christmas things away, I think– oh, the snowmen can stay out a little longer…. so they do. And then I start putting up the Valentine things, and the snowmen and the hearts are out at the same time until I finally put the snowmen away. In my opinion, Valentine’s day really should be out a little further to give the snowmen more time…
I would never decorate with red if it weren’t for Valentine’s Day. And the Fourth of July. And Christmas. So things at my house with red get shuffled around those 3 holidays sometimes.
Back to How I Decorated my Coffee Station with Snowmen!
To decorate my Coffee Station area with Snowman decor, I began by attaching glitter snowflake ribbon to the backs of the cupboard doors using masking tape. I fold the ribbon over the edges of the doors, then use masking tape. It works great!

My daughter and I had made snowmen using glitter adhesive craft foam with felt accents, so I just took the adhesive backing off to stick them onto the ribbon! There are so many ways that you could make these snowman. I used my Cricut Maker to cut the scarf, hat, and stick arms.
But you could cut them out by hand, and make your snowman as simple or as complex as you prefer. You could use Elmer’s glue or hot glue to adhere your embellishments. Be flexible… I had tiny googly eyes I was going to use, and then decided that light blue rhinestones would look better.
You can make them larger, or all various sizes. Make a family of snowmen that matches your own family, as a fun winter activity!

Feel free to watch this video instead if you would like to give your scrolling muscles a break!
I had a cute wooden snowman that fit just right above my cabinets. This snowman is a simple flat 1.5 inch thick piece of wood painted to give the illusion of depth.

Doesn’t he look just perfect up there?
I added blue snowflake mugs that I found at the Dollar Tree for 50 cents each during Christmas clearance sales.

Ok, let me show you my whole entire coffee station decorated with snowmen. Are you ready?

Isn’t it just so wintery cute?! And make you want to drink all the hot chocolate?!
Let me show you all of the details….
A cute snowman towel hangs from the drawer handle.

This is a salt and pepper set that I found at a thrift store.

This snowman mug was a gift from a student. I like using just the hot water from my coffee maker for tea or for hot chocolate.

Mini marshmallows are great for peanut butter hot chocolate! All the other varieties, as well as coffee and tea are in the cupboard.

I found this snowman spoonrest at The Christmas Tree Shop. How could I resist?! Doesn’t everyone need a snowman spoon rest for their marshmallow spoons???

The wall hanging is a placemat I got for 12 cents!

It’s such a cheerful wintery blue scene. By the way– did you notice the under cabinet battery operated lights? They can be white or blue! (They can also be green or red for other seasons.)

I found Hot Cocoa Hershey kisses at after Christmas clearance sales.

Hershey kisses in my favorite snowman bowl, on a blue and white doily help complete the look.

A coordinating doily is under the cupcake stand holding coffee k pods.

I hope my snowman coffee station/ hot cocoa area has inspired you as you decorate your own spaces! 🙂
More Details about Snowman Cupboard Decor
Don’t you just love the cheerful blue of this winter kitchen cabinet decor? You can make snowmen a variety of ways– using felt, cardstock, or even paper. I liked that my craft foam was glittery like snow, AND it had adhesive, making it soooo easy to stick to the ribbon! (Usually I use a safety pin for felt accents.)
Coffee Station or Hot Cocoa Station
When I don’t have time to decorate my entire kitchen, I really enjoy decorating just my coffee station area. It makes me smile in the middle of the rest of the mess of people living here. : ) To see how I created my coffee station, including hanging the cabinets myself, go here!
7 Varieties of Hot Cocoa Flavors
I really enjoyed creating a bunch of varieties of Hot Cocoa Flavors. You can find them all here.
Wall Hanging
The placemat wall hanging was too easy— I just used masking tape to stick it to the wall. I love masking tape because it doesn’t damage anything. You can see another way I used those placemats here.
Mini Marshmallows– if you can’t find them at a local bulk foods store like I did, you can get them from Amazon.
Etsy has a nice selection of blue Snowflake ribbon. (I think I got mine from Michaels.)