Kitchen First Aid Tip for Burns
Do you need a fast kitchen first aid remedy for a burn? You probably already have this ingredient in your kitchen fridgerator. Read on to see the evidence that it works– even for really bad burns!
I burned my hand again. Months after first writing this post. This time my burn was worse. I used a hot pad to move an iron skillet that had been in the oven, but the hot pad was not fully on the handle so part of my hand was burned very badly.
I ran cold water on it, then I put cold mustard on for as long as I could stand it. Then I washed the mustard off.
My Burned Hand

It was hurting so badly I wanted to cry. After washing the mustard off, I held an ice pack on it for 8 hours. Yes. That was how badly it hurt. I kept rotating ice packs so it would be cold.

The next morning, I was absolutely amazed at how good my hand looked.
The Morning After I Burned my Hand

You can definitely see that it was a bad burn!

This next picture was taken the third day after I burned my hand so badly on the iron skillet. I was amazed at how well it was healing, and that it had never even blistered!!

Was it the mustard that kept my burn from blistering? Was it the 8 hours of ice pack? Probably it was a combination of the two. Whatever it was, I sure am thankful! This is the fourth day.

Later on, some skin did peel off painlessly. I realized it was where the burn had been. I don’t even have a scar now. It’s amazing! Do let me know if you ever try mustard on a burn!!

Original Mustard First Aid Burn Tip
I want to share with you a great Kitchen Tip. It is also a great First Aid Tip.
Today I volunteered at a church event where we were cooking and serving food. I grabbed the handles of a pot that I thought was cool. I was only half right. One handle was cool, and one handle was hot enough to burn three of my fingers through the plastic food safe gloves that I was wearing.

I looked around for a First Aid Kit and did not see one anywhere. I also did not see an Aloe Vera plant or gel bottle or anything anywhere. As I ran semi-cool water over my hand, I remembered. I’m in a kitchen! Is there any mustard in the refrigerator? Yes, there was! I squirted bright yellow mustard all over my burned fingers. The coldness felt good.

After the coolness went away, I began feeling the burning again. I waited a few more seconds. Perhaps only a minute or two had gone by altogether. I put my fingers on a cold water bottle, then rinsed the mustard off. As I rinsed, the burning feeling rinsed off, too. I didn’t even need to keep holding the cold water bottle.

I have used mustard for a kitchen burn before this. I don’t remember where I first learned or thought of it. It seems to work. My fingers are perfectly fine– no redness, no pain. Have you ever used, or heard of using, mustard to soothe a burn?!

i have used yellow mustard for about 9 years. works like a gem if lite or heavy. frenches works best.
Yes! That’s great to hear!
Nope, I have never heard that before, but I sure will be trying it! I am kind of careless in the kitchen…
🙂 gwingal
Let me know if it works for you! (If you are unfortunate enough to need to try it…)
My Grandmother told me about yellow mustard for burns some 50 years ago. I have passed it on to countless people who still swear by it today. There is nothing better for a burn.