Lego Cake
My son wanted a Lego Cake for his 7th birthday. We had two parties– one for family and one for friends. I made two cakes. Here is the first one.
My son likes lots of color, so I made the crumb coat of several different colors. They did not blend like they did in my imagination. I used maple flavoring instead of vanilla, since vanilla is so expensive these days. But when the kids licked the frosting beaters, they thought what they were tasting was the food coloring, and they did not like it. I had liked the maple frosting, but when I tasted it with the chocolate cake— it just wasn’t right. Maple and chocolate are complimentary flavors– I think though that artificial maple flavoring and chocolate cake from a box mix are not very complimentary.

I put miniature marshmallows on toothpicks and stuck them into the cake, planning to make a giant lego shape. I wanted to make pourable frosting, but every recipe that I found just didn’t look like it would work. I finally just tried something since I was running out of time. And this is what happened. A Volcano Cake. Except, I wasn’t trying to make a volcano cake!

I smoothed out the frosting the best I could, and this is how it turned out.

I had wanted the Lego men to hold the Happy Birthday candle, but it wouldn’t quite work. So I created a whole scene with Duplos holding candles instead.

I discovered this “building block” gummy candy at the Dollar General just before the party.

The Lego scene was a hit, especially the one dangling from the crane. I am not usually very creative with Legos, but a birthday party drags the creativity out of me : ).

There are seven candles all together.

Here is a close up of the Lego man dangling from the crane.

Here is the scene from behind.

Here is the name of the birthday boy, which was also popular. I made the number seven, too. I hid it away and forgot to get it out until months later!

Here is the cake when it was cut.

I hope that you have enjoyed seeing this Lego Cake! Let me know how you like it! I made a second Lego cake for the other party that I will post about sometime.

Pretty neat idea!
Thank you, Alice!